Friday, 20 April 2012

Lucas Threw Us a Curve Ball Last Night

Sleep is very important in our house.  I need my sleep as do the kids.  We are all just so much happier when we are rested. o

Lucas has always been a pretty good sleeper.  He s  ituarted sleeping though the night (12 hours) at about three months.  I was in Heaven.  Around a year, though, he began having some trouble at night. I think when he is teething it really others him.  Since then every few nights he wakes up in the middle of the night for some milk. It's not really a big deal for me. It only takes about 15 minutes to get him resettled and its only once a night.  He's my baby and I just figured that he would outgrow it sometime and its not every night.

Last night, though, was a different story.

I probably should have gone to bed earlier last night than I did. But, I was playing with my new tablet until around midnight.  I crawled into bed and had just settled in when he started crying.  Matt, thankfully, was still up so he gave him a bottle.

1:15am.....and he's up again.  Seriously this is not normal so I figured he must not be feeling too well so I gave him some Children's Advil. He resettles easily and I go back to bed.

3:00am.....and he's crying again. I let him cry for about fifteen minutes and he resettled  himself.

4:10am....What is going on?  He is up AGAIN.  I give him another bottle and he goes back to sleep.

I just get nice and comfortable in bed again and I hear a door open and little feet coming down the hall.  No, its not Lucas. Thankfully he is still in his crib.  But it is Alyssa. She never gets up in the night.  Is it a full moon? What is going on?

Alyssa can't sleep because she wants to see daddy's new computer.'s 5:00am.

Finally, we are all settled down and trying to get some sleep.  And then Matt's alarm goes off at 6:30am!!!!

And that was my night.  It sucked and I still do not know what Lucas' issue was.  He is not sick this morning and is acting fine. I can't see 2 year old molars peeking though.  I am just hoping and praying that that was a one night thing.

Anyway, enjoy the cuteness of my little man in the middle of the post.  Iam having some technical difficulties and cannot figure out how to move the picture to the end of the post.

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