Lucas wants to do what Alyssa is doing so he grabs the scissors just as she is snipping. The screaming begins. I turn around and there is blood dripping from Lucas. He throws himself on the floor. I run over to him and take him to the sink. I wash off his finger while he is screaming like a banshee. The fleshy part of his middle left finger is missing.
He is fighting me like crazy. I let him go for a second and he takes off. Dripping blood all over the house. Through the kitchen, into the bathroom. He is trying to get away from me as he doesn't know what he is doing. I finally get him and get him re-wrapped up.
I'm calling Matt on his cell phone and he is not answering. I just keep calling. I called five times and finally he answered (he was on a conference call). I said, "I need you now, Lucas' finger is cut badly and we are heading to the hospital." Matt responded that he was leaving.
Now I'm trying to figure out what I am doing. I have Lucas SCREAMING in my ear. Alyssa is hiding in her room, crying, because she is so sorry. I can't let go of Lucas' hand or the towel will fall off and he will continue to bleed on everything. I called my neighbor Jen and asked her to drive us to the hospital. Thankfully she answered and she is able.
We get to the hospital, the triage nurse takes one look at us; all bloody and Lucas screaming and takes us ahead of several people. They wash him up and see that he has a huge chunk of flesh missing from his finger. It's still bleeding like crazy. The doctor comes and examines it. She thinks that she might be able to stitch it together. Another doctor comes for a consult and he is a little unsure if he will be able to stitch it back together as there isn't much tissue left to work with.
He starts talking to us about sedating Lucas so that we can get the stiches in. Lucas is creating quite a scene with all of his screaming. Another doctor comes in to see the wound and his thought is that there is not enough tissue to successfully close up his finger.
They put on a special dressing to stop the bleeding and wrap up his hand. Then they gave him some Motrin and instuctions for us to bring him back tomorrow to have his hand redressed. We will probably have to go back to the hospital every couple of days for three to four weeks to get his hand redressed.
Lucas is actually looking pretty good in these pictures. At this point they had washed off all the blood on his face, arms and hands. And I had sneaked away and washed off all the blood on my hands and arms.
They wrapped up Lucas hand in triage with a big soaker pad and put tape around it so we didn't have to keep holding his hand which caused him to scream.
The teddy bear beside Lucas' head was given to him by an ambulance attendant to hopefully cheer him up. While it didn't stop the screaming, he latched on to that teddy bear something fierce. It hasn't left his side since he got it. And tonight he wasn't going to bed unless teddy was there with him.
I was really strong in the hospital. I wasn't emotional at all. I just did what I needed to do. But once we were in the car, my wall came tumbling down and all the emotions poured out. Watching Lucas in so much pain and not being able to do anything about it was just about the hardest thing I've ever had to do. He was looking at me to make it better and I couldn't. It was awful.
When we got home Alyssa was pretty upset and crying. She is very sensitive and feels so bad that she was the one who accidently snipped Lucas' finger. As soon as Lucas saw her crying he ran right over to her, gave her his blankie and teddy and crawled up to cuddle with her. He sure has a sweet, caring spirit. And they have such a strong bond.
After his nap, he needed some comforting from his daddy. In the hospital, he wanted nothing to do with Matt and I was the only one allowed to hold him. But now that he is home, its all about his dad.
We ended up having to throw out his shirt, pants, socks and blankie as there was no way we were getting all of that blood out. My shirt is soaking right now and hopefully I will be able to get out the blood stains.
I pray protection over my kids all the time and i am so thankful that I do because although he did get hurt it could have been alot worse.
Oh and the crazy thing is is that this is the second time that I have experience a snipped finger. Last summer while at Jamie and Patrick's house for a BBQ, little Zephan got part of his finger snipped off too.
Oh what a day......